Well, that's not strictly acurate, but close enough.  I'm still mostly working on the graphics conversion for my project with Jedi Nescioquis, although I am making some progress on Archipelago.  I'm also considering a mod for BoE, but it'd probably not be very popular.  But, it's something to consider...

  Still no reviews of The Cherth Campaign, though I have gotten quite a bit of useful feedback via the forums.  I've decided that for now I won't take the time to edit it, though that could be another thing to consider in future.

  Also, I re-worked my site to include a separate page for other spiderweb games stuff (e.g. Jedi Nescioquis's mods and patches).  It's under 'Other Stuff'.  It also includes the link to Other Scenarios, though Zero Point* is the only one there now.  I hope that will change soon.


9/30/2012 03:37:20 am

Thank you for details


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